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Astronaut Recipes and Crafts for Kids

Kids Astronaut Playtime Recipes and Crafts

Kids love to pretend and they learn so much from play.  Oftentimes a child is already interested in what they want to be when they grow up – usually without knowing it!  As parents its our job to provide them with activities and tools to help them learn and be a guide for them.

If you have a little one who is really interested in space studies, everything astronaut, chances are they may end up with a job at NASA!

Toy Rocket Ship for Kids to Make DIY Craft

I know someone who’s little girl regularly climbed furniture, walls – as high as possible, and nearly scared her mother out of her wits by coloring on the ceiling!

This little girl, now all grown up, yes, as you guessed – works at NASA and is in the astronaut training program.

Sometimes though, when we’re teaching something like astronomy, it’s fun to just add some crafts and play to make the lessons actually stick.

So, take a look at the crafts below and add some fun to your kids space program!




Rocket Ship Craft for Kids

Make a fun rocket ship toy with your kids – they’ll be able to blast off anytime!

Kids Astronaut Rocket Ship DIY Craft for Play Toys

Click Here for Kids DIY Rocket Ship Space Craft

Another fun craft you can make at home with your kids is the Rocket Pack!

Kids Astronaut Rocket Pack DIY Craft Toy

Click Here to see the Rocket Pack Craft!

Want to make lunch or snack time a blast with fun recipes for little astronauts?  

Kids always love when playtime continues into snack time or lunch – it always makes it so much more special.

Take a look at the healthy fruit Space Rocket Snack for your little astronauts in training!

Kids Healthy Astronaut Recipe - Rocket Fruit

For the recipe – cut fruit into fun shapes as shown in the picture and use a skewer to hold them together.

Have fun!


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